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Essential Sikh daily prayer app with multilingual scriptures

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Discover the spiritual essence of Nitnem, an essential app for adherents of Sikhism who are committed to their daily practice of reading scriptures. Nitnem, meaning 'Daily Naam,' encompasses a collection of meaningful banis, which are specifically chosen for daily recitation by faithful Sikhs. Embrace the profound experience of connecting with the divine during the serene Amrit Vela, the period before dawn considered to be the most auspicious for spirituality, and conclude your day with the calming evening and nighttime prayers.

The app includes a core set of banis, known as Panj bania, which baptized Sikhs are encouraged to recite daily during the early morning hours from 3:00 am to 6:00 am. Additionally, it contains evening and nighttime banis, including Rehras Sahib and Kirtan Sohila, observed at 6 pm and 9 pm respectively. It not only comprises primary scriptures like Japji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, and Anand Sahib but also includes Asa Ki Vaar, Sukhmani Sahib, and Aarti Sahib.

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A standout feature is its lightweight design, ensuring compatibility with a broad range of devices, delivering a seamless user experience. Followers have the flexibility to engage with these spiritual texts in Gurmukhi, Hindi, English, or Romanized versions, fostering an inclusive environment for both native speakers and global followers.

In your spiritual journey, feedback is invaluable. Should anyone encounter any spelling errors or compatibility issues with their device, the team behind the spiritual tool warmly welcomes input and is committed to continually refining the experience to serve the devotional needs of individuals better.

Connect with the divine daily through this application, designed to provide an immersive and enlightening spiritual experience for dedicated Sikh practitioners anywhere and at any time.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Gurmatsagar.Com.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2 or higher required

Information about Nitnem 4.2

Package Name com.gurmatsagar.nitnem
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Comics & Book Readers
Language English
Author Gurmatsagar.Com
Downloads 2,030
Date Oct 26, 2020
Content Rating +3
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Older versions

apk 4.2 Android + 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2 May 13, 2024
apk 3.4 Android + 2.0 Jul 26, 2016

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